In this project, I redesigned the website's visuals and webmap. My goal was to increase accessibility for visitors of lower technological literacy, increase revenue through new visitors, and highlight the personality of the museum.

The Swedish American Museum, located in Andersonville, highlights Swedish history in the United States. Thanks to its location, it is also able to serve as a strong location for the Swedish community in Chicago. They serve their community by hosting events, workshops, and kids' program. Their presence in the community is great, but their website can use an update to put users at ease.

Donations are encouraged throughout the website and is the first element in the navigation bar. Some pages were combined, revamped, and moved to other parts of the site in order to ease usability. The homepage features the most vital information for new visitors, such as address, hours, price, programs, etc.

I took inspiration from various parts of Swedish art and culture. My main inspiration for this project came from Swedish architecture. Many landmarks featured on Sweden's website feature triangular patterns on their exterior. In addition, I was able to convey the Swedish American Museums focus on children by using a bright color palette inspired by Swedish toys.